Upcoming Activities
The Beaverton Elks Lodge #1989
Members and their guests are invited. We play two sets with 5 games in each set. The first 4 games have a guaranteed payout of $25.00. The 5th and final BLACKOUT will have a guarantee of $100.00, but the bigger the crowd, the bigger the payout!
Friday, January 10th and Friday, January 24th at 7 pm
Tuesdays, January 7th and 21st —6:30 pm (10 rounds)
Join in for an exciting night of Loud Mouth Bingo.Remember to bring 11 $1 bills. First 9 rounds are $1 each; the 10th/last round is $2.
We have a fun friendly Trivia night once a month. This month it’s Friday, January 3rd, fun begins at 7 pm!
NO Karaoke in January
Taco’s Tuesday – Sarah and team will have TACOS every Tuesday this month.
Julie will host a $10 Buy in Poker Game on Sunday, January 19th at 2:00 pm.
NO LCR this month officially, however impromptu games are known to happen around here.
Come and join us anytime, there is usually someone playing a card game …usually cribbage.