Exalted Ruler Dan Keicher
Welcome back from Summer vacation. We begin weekly meetings this month (September). Please come support us and see how things are operated at the Lodge. Remember you, the membership, control what happens at the Lodge. I hope you came to the Rock and Roll Comedy Show. It was so much fun. Thanks to Janet Folk, Don Bott, Sharon Zeltzer and their committee, for arranging the event. Speaking of activities, I recently learned about costume Bingo! Please contact your Activities Committee with suggestions for different costume themed bingo games (Pirates, Archie Bunker or even Mrs. Roper). 16612 Hugs for Heroes is this month and we need more volunteers to build and distribute our packages to local Police and Fire Departments to thank them for their service. Days are getting shorter and soon it’ll be getting dark at 4 in the afternoon; please come to the Lodge and spend some good times with friends. I’ll be reporting to the Lodge later this month about what happened at National Convention. As a Lodge, because of the vote, we need to decide if we as a Lodge want to have both the Secretary and Treasurer as voting members of the Board, or if we return to the way it was. I look forward to saying hello and for some of you meeting you for the first time later this month. Remember, Ever Practice Brotherly Love, Be Just to your Fellow Man, be Charitable to all Mankind, and finally, remember always an Elk, representing all of us.